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About us


We are here and ready to go to be a source of help, support and/or faith for all who live in
and around the Nottingham area. So please come on in and share in what we are trying to do here in Nottingham. We’re happy to have had some new friends join our congregation during the last year and we look forward to meeting some new ones in the coming year, whether regularly or just from time to time.  


We are a community who try to love and support each other to grow in their faith in God; to be there for each other when struggles arise; and to celebrate together when we have good news. The focal point for this is our weekly services at our church building and house groups at various members’ homes. Whether you are a committed Christian or just interested in finding out about the Christian faith, we’d love to see you.

We also have set ourselves the task to reach out to those in Nottingham and surrounding areas. We seek to bring friendship, comfort, hope and joy to those in the area.

The church building is also well used for leisure and community purposes, but ‘at heart’ it exists for the spiritual well-being of all who enter – to share together our spiritual journey in God. As followers of Jesus we invite you to share this journey with us.

 .[2 Timothy 3:16~17]


Our purpose is to share the gospel of CHRIST JESUS to all in all creative ways in other to empower the individual identify the purpose

for his or her existence  this is was the inspiration behind the logo.


The log consist of the Globe,Sword and Heart.

  -The Globe represent s the world, and our focus is to reach to all parts of the earth.

  -The sword represent the word of God.

  -The heart represents Man. 

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